  • paper cranes

    A project from my Wintersession 1999 class,  Installation Art
    For this piece, I utilized an old telephone book, cut out a square hole from its center where I got the square pieces of paper that I then used to make all the origami cranes which are hanging from the ceiling.  I enjoyed creating a poetic transformation of material and form, from the typical yellow pages phone book into a flock of flying cranes.  I liked how when installed, it appears that the birds are coming from the hole in the telephone book, which is where their materiality originated.  The shadows created on the walls, add to the overall perceived number of cranes flying in the space.  The printed 911 visible on the open page of the phone book, can imply that the cranes escaping are prayers or calls for help liberated and sent forth.  This piece was installed in a small gallery in the Photography Department at RISD, in Providence, RI.